

Copra #5 was delivered to me, box after box filled with the Tokyo issue, which leaves me little choice but to put it out in the world. So here it is!


This issue is why Copra came together as a team of misfit mercenaries –  a hunt, a showdown, a step closer to clearing their name. If you like rooftops and fistfights, this comic may have been made specifically for you.

Quick note: I’ll be attending MoCCA on April 6th & 7th in New York City. Drop on by and say hello if you’re in the area. I’ll have some new comics, some old comics, a little merchandise and a big debut. Also, it’ll probably be the only convention I’ll be able to attend for a while.

About Copra, this issue was beyond fun to work on and I hope that comes through. Thirty more days will pass, and I will see you then with the arc’s conclusion in hand.


One reply on “COPRA #5”

Sorry I’m late with this, anywho loved the roof-top fight!! Man-Head strikes back!! Thanks again for keeping me locked in Michel. And now for issue #6…..


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