"COPRA" Comics I Make Los Press

C O P R A #24

COPRA #24 is here! Dissension in the ranks, loose ends are tied up, twists & turns are introduced,  and more than a little hands-on conflict:z this issue has it all! There’s no better way to celebrate the 24th issue of the world’s greatest action comic!


Dieter VDO closes out his serialized portion of the comic with a terrifying, beautifully painted conclusion. Receiving his back covers for these last six issues has been one of the run’s highlights.

24 VDO

I started this whole thing – this COPRA thing – with 12 issues in mind. Right here, with this chapter, that number has doubled; handing in issue 24 to the printer was equal parts exciting and exhausting. That’s a big deal to me! I, who once had trouble finishing 24 panels, have expanded the world of COPRA page by page.

RAW SCRIPTShoot, some would say a solo venture like this is not all that common.

24 ZOE

Thanks to all the readers and subscribers and fans who came to see me at all the shows. I will never tire of letting you know how much I appreciate your enthusiasm.

24 Xenia

Big thanks to all the stores that carry Copra, too! And to the biggest store of them all, Bergen Street Comicssoon to close their doors while continuing to be a comics publisher. They were there from the beginning of my self-publishing venture, friendly and forward thinking. I was flattered to have them in my corner, and I’m proud that they still are.

24 Blood March

Extra big thanks to Kat Roberts, who weathered the storm of my production mania with style and care while working on her own massive project.

posit FIFFE white

Oh, wait — COPRA is now in spanish! This has been a dream of mine so I’m quite excited to announce that Inefable Tebeos has released a translated compendium of the first 3 Copra issues as Copra: Compendio Uno.

Inefables Tebeos A


Cabezas Cortadas

Zona Negativa

La Noche Americana

El Lector Bicefalo

There is no better excuse to practice my spanish reading.


But enough dilly-dallying. I gotta go get ready for this weekend’s SPX (I’ll be at Table K1). Thanks again for the good times. And if you haven’t already: COPRA #24. Jump on board now.
24 brush

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