DEATH of COPRA is a four issue mini-series coming out January 8th from Image Comics. This all-new material is the direct continuation of where the last 45 issues left off.
(aka Legacy Numbers 46-49)
The story of COPRA is one of duality: brutal but tender, bombast as defined by human nuance, crafted with a love of comics history while guided by an eye towards the future.
We’re going out, thus, with celebration and revenge in our hearts.
Covers A & B by Fiffe
Lunar Product Codes: 1124IM239 (Guthie, above)
and 1124IM240 (Changó, below)
Diamond Codes: NOV240392 and NOV240393
Cover C 1:15 copy incentive connecting cover by Fiffe
Lunar Product Code: 1124IM241
Cover D 1:20 copy incentive by Jeff Lemire
Lunar Product Code: 1124IM242
Cover E 1:25 copy incentive vs Image Universe by Fiffe
Lunar Product Code: 1124IM243
There’s also COPRA: The Last Subscription! The limited edition Subscriber Variant available exclusively via the Copra Press Shop. These are identical to the Image releases, except for the different covers. Supplies are boutique-level rare.
Home stretch for this massive, life-changing project of mine that I sparked 12 years ago. Let’s end this journey together on JAN 8th!
* * * B O N U S * * *
a COPRA Fanzine
Nine essays + eleven artists + a new interview & cover by me = COCONUT MEAT SKULL. Now on sale from Wakeup Comics (Plus stickers!) This 92 page Copra Fanzine was amassed & edited by Josh Lambert — I am in awe of his generosity, patience, and vision. And a big thanks to this murderers’ row of contributors.
I’m super flattered by this COPRA fanzine. What a sweet, humbling, surreal thing to witness. I’m touched by every word, every line of art. What a gesture.
Get in touch with Josh / Wakeup Comics if you want a copy!
Art shown above by Lale Westvind, K. Wroten, and Nate McDonough, respectively.