"COPRA" Comics I Make

· DEATH of COPRA No. 1 · Coconut Meat Skull Zine

DEATH of COPRA is a four issue mini-series coming out January 8th from Image Comics. This all-new material is the direct continuation of where the last 45 issues left off.
(aka Legacy Numbers 46-49)

The story of COPRA is one of duality: brutal but tender, bombast as defined by human nuance, crafted with a love of comics history while guided by an eye towards the future.

We’re going out, thus, with celebration and revenge in our hearts.

Covers A & B by Fiffe
Lunar Product Codes: 1124IM239 (Guthie, above)
and 1124IM240 (Changó, below)

Diamond Codes: NOV240392 and NOV240393

Cover C 1:15 copy incentive connecting cover by Fiffe
Lunar Product Code: 1124IM241

Cover D 1:20 copy incentive by Jeff Lemire
Lunar Product Code: 1124IM242

Cover E 1:25 copy incentive vs Image Universe by Fiffe
Lunar Product Code: 1124IM243

There’s also COPRA: The Last Subscription! The limited edition Subscriber Variant available exclusively via the Copra Press Shop. These are identical to the Image releases, except for the different covers. Supplies are boutique-level rare.

Home stretch for this massive, life-changing project of mine that I sparked 12 years ago. Let’s end this journey together on JAN 8th!


Image Comics Press Release

* * * B O N U S * * *

a COPRA Fanzine

Nine essays + eleven artists + a new interview & cover by me = COCONUT MEAT SKULL. Now on sale from Wakeup Comics (Plus stickers!) This 92 page Copra Fanzine was amassed & edited by Josh Lambert — I am in awe of his generosity, patience, and vision. And a big thanks to this murderers’ row of contributors.

I’m super flattered by this COPRA fanzine. What a sweet, humbling, surreal thing to witness. I’m touched by every word, every line of art. What a gesture.

Get in touch with Josh / Wakeup Comics if you want a copy!

Art shown above by Lale Westvind, K. Wroten, and Nate McDonough, respectively.

"COPRA" Comics I Make


CREATING COPRA, Michel Fiffe’s Definitive DIY Guide to Making and Self-Publishing Comics is here!

This 64 page guide is a step-by-step tour of Studio Copra, a personal in-depth account that covers everything from filling up a blank page to managing a small business: writing, penciling, inking, lettering, coloring, packaging, distributing, selling, cultivating relationships, building a catalogue, and putting artistic muscles to the test.

Copra Press has steadily worked with printers and retailers for over a decade to reach a global audience, self-publishing COPRA merch, zines, and over fifty comic books.

This first time collection of updated HOW TO editorials from Fiffe’s Patreon is packed with full-color examples, a brand new massive chapter detailing his latest challenges and strategies, plus illustrations exclusive to this edition.

CREATING COPRA is an invaluable tool for the modern cartoonist. It marries the practical with the idealistic, dissecting the creative process while demystifying the hurdles that are part of comics-making in today’s world.

This project wouldn’t exist without the immense support from the Koyama Provides Grant. Annie Koyama has been a publisher, a patron, and an all-around positive force in the world of comics and beyond, making this grant a profound honor.


Comics I Make

Superman Red & Blue

I wrote, drew, and colored a short story in the DC Comics anthology Superman Red & Blue #3, released May 18th, 2021.

Alongside the Man of Steel, “Kilg%re City” features Hawkgirl, Cyborg, and Booster Gold, plus a few extra cameos.


DC in the 80s

Super Process
Birthday Gift
Patreon Posts
Mood Board
Superman Homepage


“Fiffe has such a way about what he does that it is almost indescribable. It is a fun story.” – Forces of Geek

“Snappy, humorous dialogue, action-filled artwork.” – Let’s Go! Podcast

“Work[s] well as genuine life advice.” – The Aspiring Kryptonian

“An action story [with] heart to it.” – Pop Culture Maven

“Reveals that a small change… could enable him to help a lot more people.” – Screen Rant

“Relatively minor characters and past stories are highlighted in Fiffe’s stunning style to reveal how all-encompassing Superman’s narrative can be.” –

“This one is a bit of a dust-em-up… My favorite story.” – Comic Box Commentary

"COPRA" Comics I Make


COPRA #5 release date: February 5, 2020

Order Code: DEC190160


This prelude to “THE OCHIZON SAGA” pits our crew against a destructive quartet of villain-husks who help usher in a cruel dynasty of cosmic proportions. How do you even fight that with a fist, a gun, or malfunctioning armor? End times aren’t nigh, they’re here; COPRA is swimming in them.

Cover Process

Comics the Gathering
Semi Sequential

"COPRA" Comics I Make


COPRA #4 release date: January 1, 2020

Order Code: AUG199059


As the COPRA leader negotiates her life with a disgruntled agent, the team itself maps out their most important mission to date: save the planet from total annihilation. Plus: a major secret origin revealed. This calm before the storm has been building since the very first issue!

Comics the Gathering

"COPRA" Comics I Make


COPRA #3 release date: December 4, 2019

Order Code: OCT190189

In this final showdown between COPRA and their cybernetic opponents, it’s out with the old, fallen comrades, and in with the new recruit. Will our team’s past nightmares come back to haunt them? And why does a desperate government cult care? You would, too, if your séance sparked an apocalypse.

Cover Process

A.V. Club
11 O’Clock Comics Ep. 644

"COPRA" Comics I Make


COPRA #2 release date: November 6, 2019

Order Code: SEP190175

The COPRA epic continues! With one half of the crew stranded beyond reach and the other half trying to survive the nightmare trap they woke up in, who’s gonna welcome our new cast member? First appearance, check. Best jumping-on point ever, check. Rising body count depicted with tender love and care, check check check.

Cover Process

Comics the Gathering
You Don’t Read Comics


"COPRA" Comics I Make


COPRA #1 release date: October 2, 2019

“End of Complications”
Super stoked to get back to COPRA. I made this first Image issue a 40 page, full-color bonanza that picks up moments after the last issue left off… and it’s still a great introductory story for brand new readers.

Cover Process

Speaking of the original series, those collections have been made available again Image Comics. COPRA is also available digitally via comiXology.

Official Image Comics Press Release

Color Preview
Order Code: AUG190053 

Second Printing release date: October 30, 2019
Order Code: AUG198881 Official Image Comics Press Release

Comics Bookcase: Best Image Comics of 2020 (So Far)
Comic Books Are Burning In Hell: Best Comics of the Decade
The Beat: 100 Best Comics of the Decade
Den of Geek: The Best Comics of the Decade
The Beat: Best Comics of 2019
Panel Patter
Multiversity Comics, RFT Episode 612

The Comics Beat Part 1 & Part 2
DC in the 80s
11 O’Clock Comics, Episode 622
Savage Fincast, Episode 84
The Escapist Comics Podcast Episode 221
Dynamic Forces
Emerald City Comics

CBR: Reason To Get Excited
Graphic Policy
Monkey Fighting Robots
Comics the Gathering
Flickering Myth
Two-Headed Nerd, Episode 546
The Comics Journal

OCT. 2 · Mysterious Time Machine, NYC, 11am – 1pm
OCT. 2 · Forbidden Planet NYC w/Special Guests, 6-8pm
OCT 3-6 · NYCC, Artist Alley, Table H-23
OCT 9 · Third Eye Comics, Annapolis, MD
OCT 26 · Ssalefish Comics, Greensboro, NC

Here’s the black & white version of the first four preview pages, a rare chance to see COPRA at this pre-color stage. Click to enlarge, especially for that Double Page Spread. BLAM!

COPRA #1 · OCT. 2nd!

Comics I Make

COPRA Rounds Order Forms

Print either one of these up, fill them out, and give it to your local comic book shop so they can order any of the COPRA books you’ve missed. If anything,. tell them to look in the Image Comics section of the ordering catalogue!

They’re also available on Amazon, Target, and digitally via comiXology.

"COPRA" Comics I Make


Copra Press is proud to announce that Image Comics will be releasing the first 5 COPRA collections. They will all be available May 1st, so let your local comic shop know that they’re all easily available via Diamond Distributors. Tell your friends, spread the word!

Initial reports came from Newsarama and The Comics Beat.

Official Image Comics Press Release.

… and right back atcha’, Tucker.