"COPRA" Los Press

COPRA TOUR 2015 plus Press & Interviews

COPRA TOUR 2015 Schedule


RIPExpo – March 28th & 29th (Providence, RI)

MoCCA – April 11 & 12 (NYC)

FLOATING WORLD Copra Round 2 Release Party/Exhibit – Thursday, April 16th (Portland, OR)

LINEWORK NW – April 19th, Sunday appearance only (Portland, OR)

THIRD EYE COMICS / FREE COMIC BOOK DAY – Saturday, May 2nd (Annapolis, MD)

TCAF – May 9 & 10 (Toronto, Canada)

HEROES CON – June 19th to 21st (Charlotte, NC)

SPX – September 19 & 20 (Bethesda, MD)

C O P R A — T O U R — R E P O R T 




New York Magazine – Copra through the lens of fanfic.

Sequart – massive Copra overview.

Eat Geek Play – sleek breakdown of the series.

Illustration Friday – nice showcase on various art pieces.

Topless Robot – Round Two review.

Comics Tavern – brief interview where I say stuff like:

The only thing I personally hope this Suicide Squad movie does is raise enough interest in the John Ostrander/Kim Yale series to the point where DC puts it back into print, hopefully benefiting Ostrander. That run deserves to be on the shelves, high amongst the classics and making everything else pale in comparison.”


C O P R A # 20


 COPRA #20 is now available!  Join Boomer, Scuddy and Wolfgang Ice as they go abut their business in New Orleans. It’s gonna get hairy, it’s gonna get nasty.




Get your hands dirty. Get COPRA #20.

Comics I Make

COPRA Round Two Order Form


Round Two

In case you find yourself in a comic shop anytime soon, tell your merchant about COPRA Round Two! DIAMOND CODE: FEB151088


“In case you find yourself…” As if you’ll just wake up and find yourself in a comic store out of nowhere. No, we want you to make it out to your shop and tell them about COPRA Round Two. Print that black & white form out (below, last one pictured) and give it to them, even! Or just call them up if it’s too cold where you live. Call them up and bug them – remind them. Constantly. Well, just once, really. Otherwise, they might get annoyed. We don’t want that. Support your local comic shop. Order COPRA Round Two today!

Photos by Adam Pruett

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RIPE – March 28th & 29th (Providence, RI)

[JUST ADDED] FLOATING WORLD Copra Round Two Release Party & Exhibit – Thursday, April 16th (Portland, OR)

LINEWORK NW – April 19th, Sunday appearance only (Portland, OR)


HEROES CON – June 19th to 21st (Charlotte, NC)

SPX – September (Bethesda, MD)

This list will be updated all throughout the year, as related events & signings are added. Mark your calendars!


C O P R A # 19 and the year that was


COPRA #19 is here and it’s ready to kick off the latest story arc which features a new pack of weirdo assassins and impending doomsday! I know you missed them, so the Copra crew is back — but not before they have to go up against ASESINOS. Here’s a preview:




Also in this issue, a Copra story serialized on the back covers of this arc, written & painted by none other than the mighty DIETER VDO! If you don’t know his work, fix that problem right this second; it is amazing, all of it. I am honored to have him draw some bizarro brutality for Copra.


For those subscribers who put in their orders within the first few days, they’ll be getting a VITAS print, hand stamped from this carved out husk:

VITAS carved

I have to thank those who have stuck by the book since day one, but I also commend those who tried out the series by ordering the first collection, ROUND ONE, published by Bergen Street Comics Press. Coming soon’s the follow up, ROUND TWO. Please keep your eyes peeled for that!

This past year has been amazing in terms of new readers hopping on board, especially with the series making a few “Best Of” lists this past year:

B E S T   O F  2 0 1 4

A.V. Club

Entertainment Weekly

Comic Book

This Is Infamous

Journeys In Darkness and Light


Panel Patter

Comiks Debris


Floating World (store)

The Newest Rant

Comic Books Are Burning In Hell 



The COPRA issues have made it to a few more stores than last year, too. I appreciate these fine establishments’ interest in stocking these comics, so make sure to support them!

Bergen St. Comics (Brooklyn, NY)

Floating World (Portland, OR)

Zanadu Comics (Seattle WA)

Chicago Comics (Chicago, IL)

Big Planet Comics (Washington, DC)

Mission: Comics & Art (San Francisco CA)

Bridge City Comics (Portland, OR)

Locust Moon Comics (Philadelphia, PA)

Third Eye Comics (Annapolis, MA)

Collectors Corner (Baltimore, MD)

Velocity Comics (Richmond, VA)

Desert Island (Brooklyn, NY)

Escape Pod Comics (Huntington, NY)

Copacetic Comics (Pittsburgh, PA)

Beguiling Books & Art (Toronto, Ontario, CAN)

Strange Adventures (Halifax, Nova Scotia , CAN)

Orbital Comics (London, UK)

There’s also been a bunch of great COPRA fan art, something which I am always in awe of (below, Raymond Salvador):

FAN ART Raymond Salvador

Here’s a Gracie piece by Jaimie C. Filer. I can’t get enough of these!

Gracie by Filer

So here it is – 2015. I’m ready to attack the New Year with new issues and new adventures. Full steam ahead – I’m very excited to get these stories out to you, page by page, month by month. Check in and check it out, starting with a great jumping on point: COPRA #19!

Comics I Make


Fiffe Ultimates Crew

This is it! The end of the line. The final issue of the All-New Ultimates 12 part series hits the stands today!

Before I get deep into it, thank you all for supporting this book.  Please check out this full list of everyone who worked on the book (with additional art)!

The creator credits for all the characters we used are another monster altogether.

"COPRA" Comics I Make

COPRA Subscription 2015

SUB 15

COPRA SUBSCRIPTIONS 2015 are now live and on sale! The subscription guarantees you a copy of every COPRA issue before they’re long gone.

COPRA 2015 solo.A

This is a 6 issue subscription for COPRA #s 19 – 24, which will be mailed out in January. Shipping costs are usually as low as possible, but all subscribers will save a few extra dollars on top of that. International orders welcome!

COPRA 2015 solo.B

Every subscription order that is placed from now, Friday Nov. 28th, to Monday Dec. 1st will receive a free, handmade screen print of our man VITAS — roughly 5 x 6, I gotta cut it up first! Supplies are limited, and you won’t be able to find it anywhere else. It’ll be made specifically for those who subscribe within this weekend sale.

COPRA 2015 solo.C

This next batch will reunite the team, get back to the hunt, tie up some loose ends, usher in new crews, and complicate things for our friends in COPRA. It’ll be six intense issues. COPRA will also run a back up feature by one of my favorite cartoonists (more on that soon!) — what else can I say? It’s going to be killer.

Also on sale for the holiday weekend: original comic book pages and all the ZEGAS & COPRA comics you’ll need. Some issue are mighty close to being sold out, by the way. Don’t miss out on the raw material for “COPRA Round Three“!

Thanks for a great year, gang! Your support and enthusiasm never fails to get me pumped for more comics making. This next year is gonna be even better with new stories & characters, awesome surprises and crazy projects all on the horizon.

See you next year — and happy holidays!


COPRA Round Two


 C O M I C S !

COPRA Round Two will be released January 2015 and will be available for PRE-ORDER really soon!

C O N V E N T I O N !

Next Saturday November 8th I’ll be at Comic Arts Brooklyn. I will have tons of comics on hand: COPRA Round OneCOPRA issues, and the complete ZEGAS set of comics. Get them all there at TABLE D27.

I N T E R V I E W S !

Check out the Comics Therapy podcast to listen to me ramble from the couch. Oh, yeah, and on CBR, as well!

Art & Illustration



I drew a BOWMAN pin up for Pat Aulisio’s forthcoming collection. Pat runs Yeah Dude Comics.

"COPRA" Los Press

The Comics Journal Interview

I was interviewed at The Comics Journal.

Back Cover

The image above is the original art for the back cover puzzle piece that ran in the original first 12 issues (it’s officially part of the original art community).

Anyway, about the interview. I cover everything, but I put a special spotlight on this impressionable comic:


Can’t get enough of my jabbering? You’re in luck. I was part of this massive oral history regarding a cultural relic: the trading card. Check out The Secret Origins & Lasting Impact of the Marvel Universe Cards, if only to at least to read Arthur Adams’ words.