Comics I Make

COPRA: More Personal Files

Copra Bullet Montage

After last year’s first 12 issues of Copra, I dedicated the subsequent issues to some team members. Thirteen to Eighteen, six comics. You can find them all here, so get them now while supplies last! I’ve always wanted to say that.

But no, really… if those first 12 are any indication, these comics will remain out of pint until Round Three (and that may be a while). Here’s a handy rundown list, accompanied by little heads.



Don’t delay. Operators are standing by.

Okay, I’ll stop.


"COPRA" Comics I Make

C O P R A # 18

Copra #18 has arrived! it’s the Xenia issue, the magic issue, the losing your grip on reality which is inconvenient for everybody because of your godlike powers issue.

It’s also the issue that brings this arc to a close. I’ve been focusing on key members of Copra issue by issue, and this Xenia story winds it all down while also setting up the next arc.

Cover 18 A





That was a small sampler of my favorite issue yet. And while I’m taking a hiatus between 6 issue story arcs, I can’t wait to jump back on and get into the reformed Copra team’s new adventures.

Xenia Bullet

We’ll be back before you realize we were gone, but NOW – right this very second – get on board with Copra #18!


P.S. Zegas is back as well! More on that soon…




COPRA Order Form


Think you’re gonna get the urge to go a comic shop anytime soon? Does that store like to order directly from Diamond? They might even be interested in ordering COPRA: ROUND ONE — and you can make it easier on them. Just print this Retailer Order Form (above) at home and take it to them.  

Here’s a higher-quality PDF: 



"COPRA" Interviews I've Conducted



COPRA Round One is now available through Diamond Comic Distributors, order code OCT141106.
The book has received some great write ups so far! One by Chase Magnett for and the other by Oliver Sava for the A.V. Club!
And, hey, I did an interview for Italian comics site Lo Spazio Bianco. Here’s the Italian version and the English version.
"COPRA" Comics I Make

C O P R A # 17


I can safely say that COPRA #17 has it all: love & violence, impending doom & cushy nostalgia, blood drips & beards, blockheads & weirdos, struggles & triumphs, lunchtime & pushups:





Locked within a tight grid of pan dimensional deviance and suppression, this is a boiling point love letter to Steve Ditko. And like any unrequited love worth a damn, it’s an affair that ends in heartbreak and confusion. Well, you gotta read it to see what I mean.  Do not let me stop you: GET COPRA SEVENTEEN.


"COPRA" Comics I Make

C O P R A # 15


COPRA #15 is now real and alive. I hope you didn’t get too comfortable with last issue’s southern comfort; Gracie’s turn to shine couldn’t be more different than Patrick’s. This issue has everything you want from a Miami story which means yes, someone wears a guayabera.

Here’s a taste:






 There’s still a chance of getting issue thirteen and issue fourteen in case you skipped out on the last couple of issues. Catch up with what Grantland describes as “one part Ostrander Suicide Squad tribute, one part forward-facing bizarro beat-’em-up, and all parts startling DIY achievement.”

Before you go, set your gaze on this amazing & timely Gracie piece by Giannis Milonogiannis.


Not only that, but we’re going to be collaborating really soon!

Oh, & check these Lloyd drawings! This one’s by Jaimie Filer (more of his art here) – –

jaimie filer

– – and the other by Javier Hernandez (check out his art & comics here).


So let’s  prep for the summer – you bring the sunblock, I’ll bring this super breezy, easy going issue of Copra.



"COPRA" Comics I Make

C O P R A # 14


Copra #14 is here! That’s right – as in available at your usual Copra comics merchant; buy it!

I’m really excited about this issue, I have to admit. Ever notice how sometimes comic titles warn you that “this issue’s a little off-beat, a l’il different”? Well, that would be this one. Last thing I wanna do is spoil it for you, so I’ll just keep it short. Here are a few shots of the comic itself.



Here is one of the pages featuring Patrick ‘WIR” Dale and his hometown pals.



Here are some cool bits of Copra related arts:

A Man-Head custom toy…

Man-Head toy

… and a super cool Vincent drawing, both by Michael C. Kappeler!


And check out this bit of graffiti featuring old school nemesis Vitas by Satellite Mind!

Vitas Graffiti

I want to point out these wonderful reviews that Copra #13 received in the last month. I’m really appreciative that this title’s return has been well received, especially by these fine folks:

The Blackest of Suns – Omega Level – Nothing But Comics! – So Much Yelling

Here are a few short video clips I took while drawing the splash page for this new issue. Inking & holding a camera isn’t the most practical approach, so I kept it brief.

Oddly enough, the rest of the issue looks nothing like this. It’s very clean, meticulous, very… very — aw, you’ll see. So go SEE — Copra #14!

And I’ll see you here next month!


"COPRA" Comics I Make

C O P R A # 13

Copra 13 Cover

COPRA is back! Issue thirteen is here and ready to go. I’ve been wanting to get to this issue for the longest time and I’m happy to finally get it out into the world!


Did I mention that half the print run comes with a free fold out poster?



There’s a  lot of COPRA news brewing. Collections are beyond the planning stages and are being made — physically made! Super exciting! I’ll drop the details as soon as I know them. Compendiums are gonna happen, too, the 4th one at the very least.


In case you’re stopping by for the first time, make sure to check out COPRA #1 – the very first issue posted in its entirety for your reading pleasure. Get acquainted, look around, tell your friends and check in every month for new issues.

One last time: COPRA #13it’s here.


COPRA Subscription


Copra #13 is coming soon, making its official debut at NYC’s MoCCA this April 5th & 6th. In the meantime,  I’m offering a 6 issue subscription (issues #13 – #18) over at our Etsy store.
. . .
NOTE: There are only 100 subscription slots; first come first serve. Domestic orders only. – [The Beguiling and Halifax’s Strange Adventures (Canada) as well as GOSH and Orbital Comics / Impossible Books (UK) carry Copra.]

COPRA Availability: Stay Tuned


Now that COPRA has reached its 12th issue, plans to collect the series are underway!  For now, here’s what is currently available…

You can get whatever issues I have left HERE, at my Etsy store.

Bergen Street Comics are running super low on the compendiums (which reprint the original issues in 3 part chunks). In fact, they may be sold out by the time this message reaches you! If you’re in Brooklyn, stop by their store.

But you may also want to inquire with the comics shops listed at the bottom of THIS POST.

If you’re new to this neck of the woods, stay tuned and we’ll have some more COPRA ready to go sooner than later. Follow me on twitter, Facebook, or tumblr and I’ll make sure to keep things informed and up to date. Thanks for your patience!

— Michel Fiffe (Fee-FAY)