COPRA #15 is now real and alive. I hope you didn’t get too comfortable with last issue’s southern comfort; Gracie’s turn to shine couldn’t be more different than Patrick’s. This issue has everything you want from a Miami story which means yes, someone wears a guayabera.
Here’s a taste:
There’s still a chance of getting issue thirteen and issue fourteen in case you skipped out on the last couple of issues. Catch up with what Grantland describes as “one part Ostrander Suicide Squad tribute, one part forward-facing bizarro beat-’em-up, and all parts startling DIY achievement.”
Before you go, set your gaze on this amazing & timely Gracie piece by Giannis Milonogiannis.
Not only that, but we’re going to be collaborating really soon!
Oh, & check these Lloyd drawings! This one’s by Jaimie Filer (more of his art here) – –
– – and the other by Javier Hernandez (check out his art & comics here).
So let’s prep for the summer – you bring the sunblock, I’ll bring this super breezy, easy going issue of Copra.