"COPRA" Comics I Make

C O P R A #29

COPRA #29 is here!


Two stories for the price of one! Our lead story features the reunited Copra members making a hasty “escape” from Compota Kingdom.


The back end showcases Team X trying to ambush a target with dangerously mixed results, as these few preview pages promise…




And here are a few close-up shots that I took as I was working on these pages. Not as messy as I expected!

Copra RAW Chango

Copra RAW Boomer

Copra RAW Zoe

Convention Time


East Coast Comicon (Secaucus, NJ)

CAKE (Chicago, IL)

HeroesCon (Charlotte, NC)

SPX (Bethesda, MD)

Those are the shows I’ll be at this year and I hope to see you there, so mark your calendars.



There you have it, 24 full-color pages on sturdy Cougar Opaque paper for five bucks. Get COPRA #29 while you can, and prepare for next time: COPRA turns 30!



COPRA Subscription 2017


COPRA Subscription 2017

This guarantees that you get the next SIX issues promptly and before they’re out of print. THE SIX ISSUES INCLUDE the next three pivotal chapters in the ongoing saga, COPRA issues #s 29, 30, and 31 PLUS the final 3 installments of the mini-series COPRA VERSUS. Those CV issues consist of standalone stories that focus on COPRA villains. Up to bat are Los Asesinos (from Copra #19), the Ochizon horsemen (from #s 11 & 12), and the Vitas crew (from #1).

You don’t want to miss a single one of these issues.

"COPRA" Discussion & Analysis Los Press

Interview Time


Paste’s very own Sequential Heart Podcast interviewed me recently about all things COPRA with some back issue bin diving chatter thrown in.


Over at the Fire & Water Podcast Network, I overviewed one of my favorite single comic books and defended nobody’s favorite crossover event, Millennium. Get dirty with me on the Justice League International: Bwah-Ha-Ha Podcast.


"COPRA" Comics I Make Los Press

COPRAVERSE : Stickers, Subs, and Criticism


Heavy duty COPRA Vinyl Stickers are here! You can get them both in one shot, or individually, and they feature all-new artwork for our wide cast of heroes/villains. I also drew and handcrafted the top label, so get them while supplies last.


As for comics, COPRA Round 4 is available and ready to be held by us. Bergen Street Press can make sure that happens, and so can your Local Comic Shop; tell them R4 is in Previews ( Diamond Code: SEP161366 ) and they’ll come through.


Oh, hey, I should mention that Paste listed COPRA as one of their 25 Best Comics of 2016 as did the Beat and ComicBook.Com. Also, the A.V. Club Readers’ Poll repped COPRA as one of the best comic series in 2016. The season of lists has officially begun. [UPDATE: Comicverse weighed in on the Best Indie Comics 2016.]

Some interesting discussions have been popping up about this here comic. I already linked to Abhay Khosla’s massive overview (which is strangely unavailable but has been rescued by Abhay himself for posterity) — but in response to one of his followers, Abhay went off again. I appreciate that Copra gets looked over in several ways, most times pretty intensely, as onlookers always approach it very differently. I relate to overanalyzing things that perhaps weren’t built to be held under tight scrutiny, so all this activity is deeply appreciated.


Ron Edwards, over at Comics Madness, feels the same way. All the topics brought up are important to me, so I’m happy that the discussion is being cultivated. Ron wrote a piece on Mark Gruenwald which at a glance, I basically disagree with, but I look forward to forming a rebuttal when I get the chance. Like I said, I’m into these discussions.


There’s also a Copra write up by Kim O’Connor in the inaugural issue of Critical Chips, edited by Zainab Akhtar (who ran a feature on her Comics & Cola blog called Comics Shelfie in which I contributed to long ago). Anyway, I’ve yet to read the piece in question (copy’s in the mail), but I like Kim’s writing so I’m very much looking forward to it. [UPDATE: Got my copy, read it, loved it. Now available digitally.]


Last but not least, the COPRA Subscription 2017 is now live!


This includes COPRA #s 29, 30, and 31 / COPRA VERSUS #s 3, 4, and 5. Issues will start rolling out in the new year. Don’t miss out!

Wherever you are, whatever you do, stay safe and have a happy holiday.


COPRA : LCS Master List


The following is a master list of all the comic stores that carry the COPRA single issues. If you are missing a specific COPRA back issue and I don’t have it in stock myself, contact these retail outlets to see if they can help you. This list will continue to be updated as shops continue to come and go. Many other stores primarily carry the collections, which can also be ordered directly from Bergen Street Press.

Mysterious Time Machine (NYC)

Forbidden Planet (NYC)

JHU Comic Books (NYC)

Desert Island (Brooklyn, NY)

Mama Says Comics Rock (Brooklyn, NY)

Escape Pod Comics (Huntington, NY)

Comics N More (Easthampton, MA)

Chicago Comics (Chicago, IL)

Floating World (Portland, OR)

Cosmic Monkey (Portland, OR)

Bridge City Comics (Portland, OR)

Zanadu Comics (Seattle, WA)

Destiny City Comics (Tacoma, WA)

Mission: Comics & Art (San Francisco, CA)

Acme Superstore (Longwood, FL)

Big Planet Comics (Washington, DC)

Third Eye Comics (Annapolis, MD)

Collectors Corner (Baltimore, MD)

Velocity Comics (Richmond, VA)

Copacetic Comics (Pittsburgh, PA)

Beguiling Books & Art (Toronto, Ontario, CAN)

Strange Adventures (Halifax, Nova Scotia , CAN)

Variant Edition (Edmonton, Alberta, CAN)

Orbital Comics (London, UK)


C O P R A #26

COPRA #26 now on sale! Twenty-four full-color pages of a new story arc where we catch up with some old friends and make some new enemies. Written, drawn, and colored by yours truly, all for five bucks. A better deal doesn’t exist. Take full advantage of it.


26 Page A

26 Page B




Guthie 26

26 Spread


26 Back Cover


COPRA Subscription 2016

SUB 2016

The time has come: COPRA Subscription 2016 is now live and ready to go! Make sure you guarantee a spot in your mailbox for the world’s best action comic!

The FIVE issues included in this subscription are the next 3 COPRA issues (#s 26, 27, and 28) as well as the FIRST TWO issues of the brand new mini: COPRA VERSUS! The mini series consists of standalone stories focusing on the vast array of COPRA villains and are also tangential to the main title’s current arc. Perfect for new readers, dedicated collectors, and lovers of psychedelic action comic bloodshed.

Guthie 26

"COPRA" Comics I Make Los Press

COPRA #1 Archive & comiXology

COPRA is now digitally available via comiXology!

For the occasion, I’ve amassed an exhaustive guide of the very first issue’s coverage and availability. Read on and you’ll find store listings, interviews & reviews, and ordering information just in case there was anyone left who is on the fence about COPRA. There’s no way to miss out on this one, so check it out and get hooked.

"COPRA" Comics I Make Los Press

C O P R A #24

COPRA #24 is here! Dissension in the ranks, loose ends are tied up, twists & turns are introduced,  and more than a little hands-on conflict:z this issue has it all! There’s no better way to celebrate the 24th issue of the world’s greatest action comic!


Dieter VDO closes out his serialized portion of the comic with a terrifying, beautifully painted conclusion. Receiving his back covers for these last six issues has been one of the run’s highlights.

24 VDO

I started this whole thing – this COPRA thing – with 12 issues in mind. Right here, with this chapter, that number has doubled; handing in issue 24 to the printer was equal parts exciting and exhausting. That’s a big deal to me! I, who once had trouble finishing 24 panels, have expanded the world of COPRA page by page.

RAW SCRIPTShoot, some would say a solo venture like this is not all that common.

24 ZOE

Thanks to all the readers and subscribers and fans who came to see me at all the shows. I will never tire of letting you know how much I appreciate your enthusiasm.

24 Xenia

Big thanks to all the stores that carry Copra, too! And to the biggest store of them all, Bergen Street Comicssoon to close their doors while continuing to be a comics publisher. They were there from the beginning of my self-publishing venture, friendly and forward thinking. I was flattered to have them in my corner, and I’m proud that they still are.

24 Blood March

Extra big thanks to Kat Roberts, who weathered the storm of my production mania with style and care while working on her own massive project.

posit FIFFE white

Oh, wait — COPRA is now in spanish! This has been a dream of mine so I’m quite excited to announce that Inefable Tebeos has released a translated compendium of the first 3 Copra issues as Copra: Compendio Uno.

Inefables Tebeos A


Cabezas Cortadas

Zona Negativa

La Noche Americana

El Lector Bicefalo

There is no better excuse to practice my spanish reading.


But enough dilly-dallying. I gotta go get ready for this weekend’s SPX (I’ll be at Table K1). Thanks again for the good times. And if you haven’t already: COPRA #24. Jump on board now.
24 brush



HEROES CON 2015 — I will be there! Come to TABLE AA-1101 for comics, sketches, big prints, little prints, original art, posters, and more comics!

Also, go see Kat Roberts & Derek Marks at TABLE AA-929. They’ll have tons of their awesome comics, too.

12:00 pm, Room 207AB — moderated by Greg Matiasevich. This is basically gonna be me gushing for an hour.

Janson Fiffe bullet

Also, I’ll be doing some sketches on a limited quantity of canvases provided by me. Pick a backdrop, request a character, I’ll do it up.


This weekend. Charlotte, North Carolina. By any means necessary, come! Hope to see you at the show! HEROES CON 2015.