Copra #11 exists, it’s in print, and it is here! This is the penultimate chapter in Copra’s first major arc and it introduces a bunch of new persons of interest who I’m sure you’ll learn to love.
(Urgh – then there’s the fact that this is all coming to a halt soon… not a complete stop, mind you, but this is it – home stretch, almost there, hang in there, baby.)
NEWS: I’ll be at Comic Arts Brooklyn this November 9th. I’ll be peddling comics including this:
That’s the third compendium (collecting Copra #s 7 – 9) and once again, the wonderful Bergen Street Comics crew have expressed their support by way of putting this collection out in the world (on sale 11/9).
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Copra #11 is the last issue that will have art in the letters page only because there will be no space in #12. Here are the ones that made it in:
Rax by Pedro Camargo
On top of making comics, Pedrozilla happens to like stuff and occasionally say things.
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Count Compota by Jason Thibodeaux
Jason makes music videos, works on movies, and works in the theatre of the mind.
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Wir by “Calamity” Jon Morris
Jon has an art/appreciation tumblr and was the force behind Relaunched! and OHOTMU Redux.
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There were a couple of character pieces that I received after the issue had gone to press.
Vitas, King Egg, caught mid pose by Colin Rankine…
…and a shadowy Rax from creator Jamie Hibdon!
Receiving these renditions of Copra characters never fails to be the coolest thing. I’m glad I got to squeeze a few of them in.
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Before you know it, big issue twelve will be here. In a month, in fact!
For the moment, enjoy Copra #11.
One reply on “C O P R A # 11”
[…] focus on COPRA villains. Up to bat are Los Asesinos (from Copra #19), the Ochizon horsemen (from #s 11 & 12), and the Vitas crew (from […]