Comics I Make

ZEGAS #2 Sells Out!

x.Emily Bullet

The second issue of Zegas has sold out! Even with its very limited print run, I never thought the moment would come (I always saw myself as an old man sitting on a throne made up of unsold copies of Zegas #1 and Deathzone!, actually). I’ll be honest: selling out is not ideal if you want your work to get out there and reach new readers, and since I can’t quite add Zegas to my self-publishing schedule and budget, these first two issues will remain out of print for the foreseeable future. A collection may be in order but again, not for a while.

Borrow a copy from a friend, check it out from a library, orĀ look over some of the pages here. In fact, there’s a list at the bottom of that post of comic shops that carried issue 2, and they may still do. Might be worth asking.

Of course, Zegas #0 is still available, which is just a good a starting point as any.

Zegas #2 will always remind me of my brief flirtation with crowdfunding, and of all the support I received throughout its entire process. I’m really proud of the results, and I have many of you to thank for that.



2 replies on “ZEGAS #2 Sells Out!”

It was a success in that I almost met my goal, but I couldn’t complain because I got to keep what I received and every little bit helped. The one thing that took getting used to was the “incentives” part. That’s a job in itself that requires and deserves attention, but I needed to focus on the main project at hand instead of “extras”.

The main thing is that the entire endeavor just takes too long. There’s a lot of waiting and crossing fingers. Zegas was a comic I made whenever I had the chance (meaning not very often). For my Copra monthly, I’m working on a model that doesn’t allow for waiting and crossing fingers: I produce the item, it gets sold, I make a new item, ad infinitum. In this, I try to keep it as direct and immediate as possible. Crowdfunding would only slow things down.

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